Tribute to Prophet TB Joshua


"If you cannot trust in God with your medicine, you cannot trust in God without your medicine."

Kata-kata itu dicetuskan oleh TB Joshua, pengkhotbah asal Nigeria yang sangat terkenal akan tangan magisnya. Sekarang beliau sudah pergi, dan aku sangat kehilangan sosok seperti beliau. Damailah engkau di sana, Bapak. 

Satu lagi, ternyata kanal Youtube-nya, "Emmanuel TV" di-suspend oleh Youtube. Rumor yang aku dengar karena isu LGBT (Maaf 😐). Aku tidak tahu lagi harus berkata apa. Tragis, sih. Ini mengingatkan aku dengan Almarhum Dias, yang mati cukup mengenaskan juga (Dias ambruk di depan kedua orangtuanya kabarnya 😭). 

Aku tutup tulisan duka cita ini dengan kata-kata beliau juga.

"If a farmer can trust nature without a definite, we should trust God in nature. God opens the way for a succesful treatment." There are many troubled people that carry their drugs to me and say, man of God, this is my drug and after I prayed for them they will say, man of God, should I still use my medicine? If you cannot trust in God with your medicine, you cannot trust in God without your medicine because God himself is the God of nature. Those medicine are produced from plants. If a farmer can trust nature without a definite promise, we Christians should trust the God of nature. God is the God of nature. For operation to be successful, God makes it successful. For one to have a good treatment, God makes it thus. He opens the way for a successful treatment. We treat God heals. Doctor treat God heals. He opens Doctor's eyes to give you appropriate treatment. If not they will not know anything. The tablets and medicine are nature and God is God of nature. If you cannot trust in God with your medicine, you cannot trust in him without your medicine."  - TB Joshua on "Should Christians take medication after prayer?"

Turut berduka pula atas meninggalnya Frater Domi. Tugas pelayanannya di dunia ini sudah selesai. Terima kasih sudah melayani Allah hingga usia 84 tahun. Frater pasti diberkahi satu mahkota kehidupan. 



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