Because God has already chosen me the way

Once again, I said that I had been too obsessed being a professional writer. Not only having an obsession, but also proving. I've already tried lot of ways. Making short stories, writing script and synopsis, writing novels, writing articles for either this blog or Kompasiana, etc.

Chigau. I'm not 100 percents an idealist. I still have little part as realist either. I'd already submitted lot of CVs to many companies since 2012 (Especially for 2012, I'm too furious sending lot of applications most actively). Dozens of applications that I sent. All of those had been rejected. Not like the way. I never getting the interview calling. Well, maybe, God has been avoiding me from being full-time office employee. I don't know what the reason is. The fact is... neither company contacts nor hires me. Till this second.


Yesterday (22nd Jule), yatta, I found the answer. The answer for the question: why I never get the interview calling?

A blogger -- we may call her Chuchu (Sorry I can't mention the real name. That's impolite, I guess) -- already told me undirectly about anything. She tweeted: "Well, I'm not into HRD. But I'm also disgusted to the online applicants who have not written down the body of email first. Please, learn about the ethics, guys!" Approximately she wrote the way. For the tweet, I also recalled to a thread on Kaskus: yang bikin lamaran kerja ente ditolak.

The way I send the application. See, just an emptiness on the body of email. 

Yeah, I did the mistake, as Chuchu said. I did the thing, as the kaskuser told. But, very serious, I had not known about the ethics at all before I got the information. In my humble opinion, that's very odd. Pretty quite strange. Why I just know that right now? Why? I love browsing. I love spending my time in the cyber world. And I never knew about the ethics. Shit! I hate this odd.

But, I seem to get the answer. If you already seen the picture and read the sentence, as the picture said, so do I right now; having a lot of salty moments. God might be avoid me getting a interview calling. God didn't want me to go for a job hunting (Actually He had permitted me going through some of job huntings). God already prevented me knowing how we sent an application by online very properly.

He just remembered me about the ethics of application sending after I had been too focused on the way He chosen for me. After going through the hard ways, after focussing my mind to anything about writing, He-just-told-me-about-the-ethics. After going through approximately two years, He let me to know about the ethics and my mistakes.

Wow! That's very odd.

Besides that, eventhough my opuses often getting the both of rejection and hatred, there will always be many people supporting me. Support me not to give up on my dreams. How so grateful I am.  I have a God who chooses the best way for me. I have many people supporting me. Thank, God, for this blessing I got.

Kono situation dakara, mada tatakawanakereba. Boku wa hajime ni akimeruna ga hoshii desu. このシチュエーションだから、もう一度戦わなければ。僕ははじめに諦めるながほしいじゃないよ。

I must efforting for my dreams!!!

Ganbarimasu!!! 頑張ります!!!

Enough for the whole time of my blabbering. Ha-ha-ha. At least, once again, I keep the faith that God himself who chooses the way for me. It's not just my own desire. That's purely my passion indeed.

Last but not least, anyway, Chuchu isn't right at all. After reading her tweet,I asked my friend an opinion. One of them says that it wasn't mandatory thing. He said: "A company will be sure look at the both of your applicant and CV." Yeah, I am agree with him. Moreover, I get remembered with the moment I had. I ever sent the application to a company by online; and I didn't fill the body of email at all. You know? The company kept on contacting me for an interview calling.


  1. Maksudnya gimana sih? Gua agak ga ngerti? Coba kasih liat ke gua biasanya lu nulis email tuh kayak gimana...

  2. nah lo. koko keven aja kagak ngarti. apalagi gue #tepok jidat

  3. Biasanya kalau ngirim email profesional, aku juga selalu ngisi di body emailnya, sbg pengantar aja.... Sementara yg ada di lampiran adalah dokumen pokoknya....

  4. saya baru tahu kalau ada email profesional .__.
    harus belajar ini, maksih ya mas iman udah dikasih tahu

  5. Hihihii.... cuma bisa senyam senyum aja baca postingan ini, terserah mau dinamain email profesional, formal atau apapun... cuma yg pasti ber-email khususnya ngirim email lamaran pekerjaan emang ada etikanya, dan sayangnya itu nggak diajarin dibangku sekolah dan kuliah, saya dulu tau tentang etika email ini justru pas ikut kursus bahasa jepang, klo nggak salah abis pelajaran membaca gesture gitu, baru deh etika beremail ini saya pelajarin, dulu sih mikirnya kemungkinan karena di Jepang nggak ada menu sms-an di hp, jadi pake diajarin etika ber-email segala, cuma makin jauh belajarin tak pikir-pikir bener juga sih apalagi dibagi2 lagi tuh etika email2an ke atasan, pacar, dan seterusnya... mungkin belajar budaya, sikap dan kebiasaan paling bagus ke orang Jepang sih *menurut saya... contoh paling simple coba liat dorama atau movie sana, coba perhatiin klo tokoh utama ketemu sama yg sebaya dan ketemu sama yg lebih dihormatin, nunduknya beda, klo cuma ketemu yg sebaya cuma nunduk setengah, klo ketemu sama yg lebih dihormatin atau lebih tua bakal nunduk 90 derajat :)

    Eniwey, selamat ngelamar lagi hihihi....

    1. Hahaha.... Kenapa dihubungi ke sana sih? Hahaha... Ya tapi nggak semuanya. Soalnya kata teman gue, perusahaan lebih mengutamakan CV atau lamaran. Ada juga beberapa yang kayak gue bilang masih mau nerima. Hehe. Tapi tahu deh. Mungkin bakal gue coba suatu saat, dan klo hasilnya masih sama, ya..... Hahaha

    2. Tapi hebat juga ya. Etika (aturan tak tertulis) bisa mengalahkan aturan tertulis. Hehe. Kasihan mereka yang nggak tahu, yang tahunya cuma kirim lamaran sesuai prosedur dan persyaratan yang sudah ada, plus cuma tahu hanya dari pelajaran di sekolah. Gue rasa cukup banyak yang nggak tahu soal etika tersebut. =D

  6. gue salut sama semangat lo berjuang di jalur yang lo sukai. (y)


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