もしーもし、皆さん! こんにちわ!
Today is teacher's national day, right? I guess, right. Totally right. Every 25th November, Indonesian people - especially students - have devoted the day as a special day for teacher. For you, what's the meaning of the teacher? Don't spill your answer out, please! Hehehe.
From another site, teacher is... "orang yang pekerjaannya (mata pencahariannya, profesinya) mengajar". In English: a person whose occupation is teaching. And then, for me, teacher is everyone who have devoted the life for teaching and educating. They don't have a duty for making anyone smart only, but also pointing to be a good person. They must have good image to be role model, so then every students get inspired to aspire; not by becoming the way, but by impostering the good behaviours. That is my definition of teacher.
And from the definition, these are ten of the most-memorable teacher - in my version:
10. Mrs. Indarwati
She was my home room while studying in Tarakanita High School. She was the most creative and funniest whom i ever met. I love her method of teaching. Oh, i forgot, Iin was her nick.
9. Mr. Simon Panjaitan
He was my private teacher who helped me to learn Math and Physics. Mr. Simon was good teacher and very patient to teach. Because of him, when i sat on the junior high school, i could pass the exam, especially Math and Physics. The best private teacher whose i ever had. So calm, so understanding.
8. Mrs. Arlinaida
My homeroom while studying at Markus Primary School (In some persons' mind, Elementary School). Mrs. Arlinaida was a crude woman - very crude. She teached, she educated too. I remembered, her daughter was my friend - classmate. It was third grade. And she was fair and never fond of her daughter. I reassure very bad for that. Trust me!
7. Mrs. Jacinta Dewi Palupi
She was my homeroom, my english teacher. She was crude, such a discipline, kind, creative, and had a good sense of humor. One thing that i recalled: she was very know to educate and teach every students. Her treatment to each students was different - and so caring and understanding to every students. At last, she was one of the caring teacher in Tarakanita.
6. Mr. Joko P-Man
Sorry i forgot the last name. I just remembered his nick only. Poor me. Hahaha. Joko P-Man was caring, funny, crude, kind, and such a strict on Indonesian language; he's like a language cop, you know. His knowledge of Indonesian language or literature was very good. He was also a good story-teller.
5. Mr. Nelson Tampubolon
My Math teacher at Markus Junior High School. He was very discipline, strict indeed, but... in other way, he was crude, humble, humourist, and good story-teller. His learning had always been understood, especially by me. I think, he succesfully turned Math to the interesting subject. LOL.
4. Mr. Antonius Ridwan Halim [IN MEMORIAM]
He was my lecturer while studying at Atmajaya Catholic University. I think, he was the most-eccentric lecturer ever. Before and after, in the class, he had always asked the students to pray first. In the class, he had never teached about the subject (In my experience, General Ethics). The focus is.... hahaha, i got laughed while thinking of... bakmi - especially bakmi GM. Except of that, he was one of the lecturer who had prone to give preaching (In fact, blabbering which is like a preaching :D). The one thing i like from him: he was not hypocrite at all. He was open-minded and supported to pluralism so much. I would like to give him all thumbs i had ever for that. I was proud of his time discipline; never came late.
3. Mrs. Endah Lelanawati [IN MEMORIAM]
She was the most-caring teacher in Tarakanita - in my version. A great counseling teacher. She was very understood about me and never stop supporting me, so i could survive, and then graduated from Tarakanita. Thank God. You've driven me to know her along studying at Tarakanita.
2. Mr. Yohanes Anin [IN MEMORIAM]
My spiritual teacher. I was grateful for knowing him as a preacher who made me love my religion more and more. He had built my fondation of religion. For him, i also knew what my religion is and avoided me from the bad things like smoking, drinking, fighting, or having sex, maybe.
1. The top is deserved to my parents. They're worthy to call the best teacher ever. Even i had often had fought with - especially my mom, i was the most grateful to have parents like them. I hope i can revenge all of their kindness to me.
At last...
God bless all of you ever.
Selamat hari guru
ReplyDeleteSelamat hari guru juga... ^^
Deletehari dosen kok kagak ada ya? haha
ReplyDeleteDosen, guru, kan sebetulnya sama. Sama-sama pengajar. :D
DeleteSelamat Hari Guru ^^
ReplyDeleteDuh jadi keinget semua guru-guru sekolah dulu. :D
Ayoooo, dibikin juga postingan yang sama.. Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteSuka banget sama kata-kata ini "The influence of a good teacher, can never be erased" hmmm bener banget :)
Emang bagus tuh kata2nya, Bu.... Makanya saya taruh di sini... LOL
Deleteguru2 yang kamu sebutkan itu pasti senang sekali karena masih dikenang :) setuju, menurut aku sih guru itu bukan hanya yg di sekolah, tapi ortu, binatang atau siapapun yang mengajarkan kita sesuatu pantas disebut guru :) btw, aku juga guru tapi masih suka malu2 kalau ada yg ucapin "selamat hari guru", huahahaha xD
ReplyDeleteHahaha.. Semoga dibaca deh! Amin. Haahaha, kenapa mesti malu, Mbak? :D
DeleteHmmm.... guru-guru yg masih saya ingat sampai sekarang hampir semuanya galak-galak :))
ReplyDeleteSeringnya guru-guru yang galak-galak-lah yang lebih sering kita ingat yah! Hahaha....
Deleteone of cool blog with english languagei ever visited
ReplyDeletenice, boy :D
Thank you....
ReplyDeletepahlawan tanpa tanda jasa...
semoga dunia pendidikan tidak ternoda oleh hal-hal yang seharusnya tidak pernah ditemukan dalam pendidikan...
selamat hari guru